25 Best Headline Examples and Ideas for Your Next Article [+10 Absolute Don’ts!]

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25 Best Headline Examples and Ideas for Your Next Article [+10 Absolute Don’ts!]

Headlines are the first impression that readers get of your article, and they play a crucial role in determining whether or not they will click through to read more.

Best Headline Examples and Ideas

1. Use Numbers:

People love lists, and incorporating numbers into your headline can make it stand out in search engine results pages (SERPs). However, be sure to use the number strategically and make it relevant to the content of your article.

2. Use Emotion:

Emotional headlines are more likely to grab people’s attention and encourage them to click through to read more. However, be sure to use emotions that are relevant to the content of your article.

3. Use Strong Verbs:

Headlines that use strong verbs can be more impactful and engaging. For example, “Mastering Digital Marketing in Just 7 Days.”

4. Keep it Short and Sweet:

People are more likely to read headlines that are short and sweet. Aim for headlines that are between 50-60 characters long. For example, “How to Write Headlines That Convert.”

5. Use Keywords:

Including relevant keywords in your headline can help it rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). Be sure to use keywords that are relevant to the content of your article and that people are likely to search for. For example, “10 Tips for Writing SEO-Friendly Headlines.”

6. Use Curiosity:

Using a bit of curiosity can be an effective way to encourage readers to click through to read more. However, be sure to use it in a way that is relevant to the content of your article.

7. Use Personalization:

Personalizing your headline can make it more appealing to readers and increase the chances of them clicking through to read more. However, be sure to use personalization in a way that is relevant to the content of your article.

8. Use Contradiction:

Using contradiction in your headline can be an effective way to grab people’s attention and encourage them to click through to read more. However, be sure to use it in a way that is relevant to the content of your article.

9. Use Comparison:

Using comparison in your headline can be an effective way to grab people’s attention and encourage them to click through to read more. However, be sure to use it in a way that is relevant to the content of your article.

10. Use Action:

Using action in your headline can be an effective way to grab people’s attention and encourage them to click through to read more. However, be sure to use it in a way that is relevant to the content of your article.

Absolute Don’ts

1. Use Too Many Words:

Long headlines can be overwhelming and turn people off. Stick to headlines that are between 50-60 characters long.

2. Be Misleading:

Headlines that are misleading can harm your credibility and turn people off. Be sure to make your headline accurately reflect the content of your article.

3. Use Overused Phrases:

Using overused phrases in your headline can make it seem generic and uninteresting. Try to come up with unique and creative headlines.

4. Use Clickbait:

Clickbait headlines are designed to mislead readers into clicking through to read more, but they often fail to deliver on the promised content. Avoid using clickbait headlines that are not relevant to the content of your article.

5. Use Too Many Adjectives:

Using too many adjectives in your headline can make it seem overly promotional and turn people off. Be sure to use adjectives strategically and only when they add value to the headline.

6. Use Jargon:

Using jargon in your headline can be confusing and turn people off. Try to avoid using jargon that is not relevant to the content of your article.

7. Use Passive Voice:

Using passive voice in your headline can be boring and turn people off. Try to use active voice when possible.

8. Use All Caps or Overuse Exclamation Points:

Using all caps or overusing exclamation points in your headline can come across as unprofessional and turn people off. Be sure to use them strategically and only when necessary.

9. Use Negative Words:

Using negative words in your headline can be off-putting and turn people off. Try to focus on the positive aspects of your article.

10. Repeat Yourself:

Repeating yourself in your headline can be redundant and turn people off. Try to come up with unique and creative headlines that accurately reflect the content of your article.

In conclusion, writing a great headline is essential for getting readers to click through to read more about your article.

Absolute Don'ts